
Guidelines for Parents


  • It is compulsory for every mentee to carry his/her school Almanac everyday.
  • You are requested to read carefully the instructions given in the Almanac.
  • You are requested to see to it that your ward adheres to the rules and regulations of the school.
  • You are requested to attend the Parent-Teacher meetings held at regular intervals to provide parents and mentors an opportunity for exchanging views on your mentee' s progress.
  • You are requested to keep a check on your ward's work regularly.
  • You may be called by the grade/ subject mentors of your ward to visit the school by a request made in the Almanac.
  • You are requested to see the remarks given in the Almanac by various school authorities and put your signature acknowledging the same.
  • If you feel that your ward is not making the desired progress, you are requested to personally contact the Principal/Vice-Principal/HM for an interaction with the Subject/Grade mentor.
  • If a mentee is required to stay at home or comes late or wants to go home in- between the school hours, for security reasons, it is better that the child stays at home for the whole day. Children will be permitted to leave the school during school hours only in case of an emergency.
  • In case of an emergency, a mentee may be allowed to leave school only with an authentic letter duly endorsed by the parent/guardian and sanctioned by the Principal.
  • Parents are required to sign their ward's Progress Report as and when asked.
  • Private tuitions are discouraged. Parents are requested not to engage mentors of our school as private tutors. In case of any learning difficulty faced, parents may request for extra/remedial classes for their wards.
  • The names of mentees absenting themselves without permission for three consecutive days after any vacation are liable to be struck off the rolls.
  • Mobile phones, I pods, cameras, other electronic gadgets etc., brought to school by the mentees will be confiscated and deposited with the Principal. These will be handed over to the concerned parents at the end of the academic session.
  • In case of any clarification required, feel free to contact the school during working hours on any day with prior appointment.
  • Visiting the academic block during day time when the academic activities are being conducted is totally prohibited. No visitor shall be permitted to go and meet the mentors in their classes.
  • Parents must attend the Parent-Teacher meetings as per the schedule. If the parents are not able to attend the same, they must inform the school in writing and collect the report card and meet the Grade Mentor within a week with prior appointment, after school hours.
  • Insubordination, cheating, stealing, destruction of school property, regular late coming and other acts of indiscipline will render a student liable to be expelled from school.
  • The school will organize remedial/extra classes for students during holidays/ summer/winter vacations. These classes will be compulsory and will ensure personal attention in the subjects a student is weak. Transportation for the same will be arranged by the parents.